Our Dental Services

Dr. Blamires of Canyon Ridge Dental offers a number of dental services in South Ogden.



Canyon Ridge Dental provides several general practice services, including exams. Dental exams are recommended every six months to monitor your overall dental health and check for potential problems.

Cleanings at Canyon Ridge Dental


Along with exams, we provide professional cleanings to remove plaque and tarter buildup. This cleaning goes beyond daily brushing and gets in between the teeth and gums to remove anything that brushing and flossing may have missed.

X-Rays at Canyon Ridge Dental in South Ogden


For children, x-rays are done periodically to monitor the growth of the jaw and development of adult teeth. X-rays are done for adults as the dentist sees fit to further examine potential dental problems.

South Ogden Teeth Whitening


Even with regular, proper teeth brushing, our teeth can be stained yellow from coffee, tea, and acidic foods. Also our teeth naturally yellow as we get older. Michael A. Blamires offers tooth whitening in South Ogden to get your teeth the desired shade of white. It may require multiple treatments, but your teeth can be whitened up to three shades. Unlike drug store whitening kits, our professional whitening process achieves the best results while still protecting your enamel.

South Ogden Fillings at Canyon Ridge Dental


When bacteria and tarter buildup remain on teeth, they can begin to decay, which forms a hole or “cavity” in the tooth. Michael A. Blamires provides fillings to stop the advancement of the cavity and preserve the tooth. These are done with clear resins that blend in with the color of your tooth and are virtually painless.

South Ogden Sealants


Children and adolescents can benefit from getting a sealant treatment applied on their teeth, which is available at Canyon Ridge Dental. This sealant protects the enamel of the teeth and provides an extra barrier between the teeth and sugary or acidic substances. A thin layer of resin material is flowed into the biting surfaces of the teeth and then bonded to the tooth to provide protection for many years.

South Ogden Crowns at Canyon Ridge Dental

Implant and Crown Restoration

We offer same-day crowns!

Sometimes teeth become to broken down to fix with a filling and may require placement of a crown for strength. At Canyon Ridge Dental we use the latest material in ascetic dentistry to provide you with the strongest and best looking crown possible. If you have missing teeth there are a wide variety of technologies to restore spaces in your mouth including implants, We use the most modern techniques for restoring implants.

Sedation Dentistry in South Ogden


Sedation with nitrous gas is available for procedures that may be painful or for those who get anxiety about going to the dentist. If you are interested in nitrous, ask Michael A. Blamires for more information to determine if it is right for you and your procedure.

Canyon Ridge Dental - Root canals in South Ogden

Root Canals

Dr. Michael Blamires and his experienced team of dentists also provide root canals. Most procedures are done under local anesthetic. Front incisors and canine teeth have one root, while back molars have two or three roots—the length of the procedure will depend on how many roots the affected tooth has. Root canals relieve the pain of an infection in the root of a tooth by removing the bacteria and pulp, deadening the nerve, and filling in the tooth, followed by sealing and fixing it in a subsequent visit. If the tooth has an abscess, this will also be drained after the pulp is removed. A crown may be placed over the tooth for added protection against breakage.

Invisalign at Canyon Ridge Dental

Reveal® Clear Aligners

We are excited to announce that Canyon Ridge Dental now offers Reveal® Clear Aligners. If your teeth need minor corrections, but you’d like to avoid traditional braces, then Invisalign could be the perfect solution. Contact us today for more details.



Veneers are a thin layer (usually made of porcelain) that can improve the general appearance of your teeth. These shells are bonded to your teeth and can improve the tooth’s color, size, and shape.